In addition to providing emergency medical services, the Fort Lee Volunteer Ambulance Corps is also committed to community engagement.
First Aid Training
The AHA has estimated that 90 percent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) victims would die. The chance of survival, however, improves two to three fold when undelayed CPR intervention is delivered.
The Fort Lee Volunteer Ambulance Corps offers CPR/AED, First Aid and Stop the Bleed ® courses throughout the year.
Interested in attending a course? Please request a training below.
Blood Drive
Each year, the Fort Lee Volunteer Ambulance Corps hosts the semi-annual Emergency Services Blood Drive with assistance from the Fort Lee Police Department and the Fort Lee Volunteer Fire Department. A reliable supply of healthy blood can be the difference between life and death for patients in need of blood transfusion. The Emergency Services Blood Drive assists in providing the life-saving blood that hospitals and patients need while providing a great opportunity for people to get involved with the community.
Event Coverage
The Borough of Fort Lee, NJ hosts several large events each year, including festivals, carnivals, marathons, bicycle races, and school sporting events. Traffic and the risk of injury or illness is often increased at these events, requiring greater response capabilities from emergency services. In coordination with other agencies, the Fort Lee Volunteer Ambulance Corps works to provide medical coverage at these events by stationing additional units at strategic points to ensure timely response to emergencies.
File of Life Cards
The File of Life program was adopted and implemented to provide residents with a simple method of keeping important medical and emergency information readily available in the event of an emergency. These cards are available FREE OF CHARGE to Fort Lee residents. Request your File Of Life cards below.
Medical Equipment
The Corps gladly accepts donations of gently used walkers, canes, crutches, rollators and wheelchairs. We loan these items to Fort Lee residents in need, Free of Charge.
Please note we do not accept commodes, shower seats, hospital beds, oxygen machines, or other durable medical equipment.
Call our non-emergency phone number (201-592-3637) between 8AM and 8PM to check if the item you need is available.